The Last Day

It's 4:38.
In the morning.

Normal humans aren't awake yet.
Even the sun isn't up.

Yet here I am, writing this blog post. My last post that I will write in Italy.
How did I get here? Didn't I just hop on a plane headed for Rome? Didn't I just start this crazy adventure?

The expression "time flies" definitely applies. I never saw myself at this day, the day I go home. It was always off in the future somewhere, somewhere intangible. Yet here it is.

My suitcase is packed, my duffel stuffed. The dishes are done and the floors are swept.
All that's left is to say my good-byes to my second home.

With my socks on, I only need to tie up my tennis shoes and I'll be out, walking the streets. Where will I walk? I don't know. Don't have a clue. I just want to walk, just one more time, through Rome.

Rome and my experience here have taught me so much. Every study abroad student insists the same thing, but really. It has.

This whole experience has allowed me to step back from my life in Maryland, to see myself from a different perspective. I had no idea how boxed in I was back home. Surrounded by the pressures of college, internships, and jobs I could barely breathe.

Here, in Italy, I have truly learned how to enjoy life and discovered what I want from my life: happiness. I was to smile, laugh, and love. God will take care of the rest, I just need to trust him. He got me here, so He'll definitely be able to get me the rest of the way. It's just a matter of trust.

But let me just take a second to say thank you.
Thank you to everyone back home who have supported me, Skyped me, Snapchatted me, and sent me that Facebook message. You all have made me feel so loved and I can't wait to see all of your faces!

Thank you to all my dearest study abroad friends here in Rome. I could not have imagined meeting so many absolutely incredible people. You all have made me laugh, smile, and you have inspired me with your stories. I cannot wait to stay in touch with you all and continue our adventures!

Thank you to Rome. Your people, your culture, and most definitely your food have become a second home to me. I will forever long for the water spots, the dogs in restaurants, the personal pizza, and the buildings.

But don't you worry, Rome. I'll be back.
This isn't a good-bye.

It's a see you later.


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