
When you think about it, life's full of people.
Yes, not mind-blowing. It's a pretty obvious fact.
Moments that stick out don't usually involved me going solo.

I wonder if the people in my life know that...
If they know that they hold that place, that little reserved spot.
Even strangers, I wish I could take a step back through my timeline sometimes and just say, "Thanks for making me smile."

Which brings me to today. Weeks ago I was plagued by a nuisance of a flat tire and adopting four new tires. Since this lovely ordeal I have since been prodding my tires every now and then before I take off. Today, in this inhuman cold, they looked funky. Funky meaning deflated. Funky meaning Rachael is worried her tires are already giving up on her.

So then I'm off, off to the Honda Service Center, with people that were just so very "helpful." Then I'm off to Shell, hoping they have someone on staff to just check, please check my tire pressure so I'm not crazy. Then I'm off to Goodyear.

"Hello! I'll be right with you."

"What can we do here for you today?"

"Of course, I'll meet you right outside there and I'll check them for you."

Simple. So simple, regular sentences, nothing out of the ordinary. But behind those sentences, behind what you might call being polite was genuine kindness.
He was genuinely GENUINELY happy to help me. So nice. He called me "ma'am" at the end of it all and went right back to his job. It was maybe, what, 10 minutes of my life? Okay, not even.

Driving home though, I could not get him out of my head.
I was tempted to turn around and go back and shake his hand.
Tell him, "Thank you. Thank you for caring and being so darn nice."
A stranger. I can't even tell you his name, but my day got infinitely better.

Maya Angelou honestly could not have said it any better.

"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."


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