Throw yourself

It's okay to take a break, to take that 10 minute nap, or that day, or a couple.
Really, it is. Because sometimes life throws your curve balls (like a hurt back).

But then throw yourself back into it.
Throw yourself into your own life because no one else will.
It's your life.
Emphasis on the YOUR.

Chances are the motivation isn't there. I can't find mine more often than not these days.
Without the structure of school, it's gotten harder to actually sit down at my desk, not the couch.
It's gotten harder to turn off the netflix and open the 5 LB (yup..) GRE study guide.

So, what then?
When you've gotten your manuscript rejected, job applications turned down, even simple plans with friends cancelled.
Do you even wan to follow that dream? That dream you conjured up before you graduated, that dream that you confessed to your graduating class that fateful day in December.

Are you even capable?


I answer "no" to that question sometimes, on my off-moments, on my off-days.
But you know what?

My answer right now is "YES!" Right now, I'm creating my motivation, putting on that spotify playlist, pulling up scientific articles to read, applying for jobs.

I might not know if I want to be a professor right now. I'm definitely questioning my path, but that's because it's uncertain. I don't know what I want, but I do know one thing.

I can be passionate and motivated in the now. And that's fine.


  1. Love dis and you. Also, we can be unemployed buddies and hold each other accountable for motivation 👍


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