
The Before.

Before the wrapping paper is ripped.
Before the doorbell rings.
Before the phone rings.
Before the plane arrives.
Before the toaster dings.
Before they walk through the door.

Life is full of anticipation. It seems obvious, but until recently I hadn't realized just how much anticipation fills each of our cups of life.

We tend to forget that sensation of anticipation once it's over. We forget because we become swept away.

A week ago I sat in a room and listened to a speaker equate joy to anticipation. He wasn't happy with "Happy New Year" because he thought we should wish each other joy, joy found in the anticipation of Christ.

The more I reflected on his words, the more I realized just how right he was.
First of all, if you look up a synonym for the word "anticipation," you'll find joy. So there's that.
But okay. Honestly, just think back to a time that you were waiting for something. Be it a vacation, a birthday, a holiday, a reunion, a date, or even Chipotle. When you knew what was coming, did you feel it? Did you feel that joy building up, welling up inside of you?

I'm not saying that waiting for Chipotle should give you the same amount of joy in waiting for Christ. No, no.

What I'm realizing and want to share is that joy can be found in the hidden anticipation sprinkled throughout our lives.

Sometimes life may seem bland or feel heavy with sorrow or punctuated with stress.
That's okay. Life has its valleys and its peaks, but in those valleys we need to look up and see the stars.

There is so much hidden joy to be had. We just need to take a second and relish in it.


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