Sitting in a coffee shop

I never did really blog about my summer. After making the trip home, I did try. I felt out of place, I ached for all of those I said good-bye to and I yearned to be at the place that had become my summer home. To deal with that, to express it, to find words to match, I tried to blog.
The draft is still sitting in my list of posts, unpublished.

Now, I'm sitting back down, typing up this blog post in a coffee shop by my apartment. My ice coffee is long gone. My waitress has long since left, I have a new one that keeps checking up on me. I'm in a good place. Not just physically (though this coffee shop is a delight) but emotionally and mentally. I love moments like this, moments you can just sit, smile, and think,"Life is good." It truly is.

For those that I've connected with over coffee or over cookie dough or even those that may have seen my sporadic snap chats, you already know that this past summer for me was truly incredible. I've grown. I'm a different person. I can sit here, look back at the person leaving for Pembroke, Virginia, and see a stark difference.

Is the change good? No, I don't think so. I wouldn't call it good or bad. I changed.
Surrounded by nature and genuinely good people passionate about their work, I grew as a person.

This change became emphasized when I returned home, throwing me for a loop. A scary one initially. Coming to terms with your changed self can definitely take some time, some long talks with friends, and some brutal honesty with yourself. It's incredible, though. Figuring out who you are, what you want to strive for, who you want to be.

And that's just a small piece, a small tidbit of all of this.
But one last thought:

Question and reflect, delve into who you are. Learn and grow. Be okay with you.


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