Seeking Adventure

"Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life."

A quote that I have tried to live by since I chose it to sit under my senior portrait in high school. Until recently, though, I had completely forgotten about the quote and the movie that breathes life into it: Tuck Everlasting. The words came back into focus when I was desperately searching for adventure with the help of my trusty assistant: Google. 

Ever since landing back here in good ol' Murica, a different sort of adventure began. The adventure to adjust to American life, the adventure to get to know my family again, the adventure of driving everywhere, and the seemingly lack of adventure. 

With three cars, four people, I found myself stranded at home with little to do. Friends were off continuing adventures in Europe, at internships in Boston, or off on a beach somewhere. I was napping with my dog. 

Now don't get me wrong, napping with the cutest pup is nothing to be taken lightly. I craved cuddle time while I was in Rome. After two days though, I needed out. I craved new places with little way of getting there. Then, my sister left for the beach and the car was mine. I had to do something, go somewhere, anywhere.

Rocks State Park. 

It started with a Google search for "hiking in maryland" and then "maryland state parks." Parks I had never even heard of popped up in the results and my interest was piqued. As I was reading up on the many escape options, I came across a casual mention of Tuck Everlasting

This place, a magical place about an hour away, was where multiple scenes from the movie were filmed. No way. 
 Tuck Everlasting? 

Well it was obvious that was where I needed to go.

Last Thursday morning, I rushed to get ready after hitting the snooze one too many times. In under an hour, my friend Alex and I were off, following the Mapquest directions scribbled on a yellow sticky note. With the windows down, music bumping, wind blowing, we laughed and soaked in the very essence of summer .

Once there, we hiked. The last time I hiked was up Mount Vesuvius, though I would not have known (clouds, fog, you know). I forgot how much I missed hiking. You don't realize it until you are smack dab in the middle of the woods having the absolute best and random conversations with a best friend. 

Nature has a way of twisting your life back into focus. It allows you to step back, to breathe. To see what you want to strive for and what you want to let go. Wind rustling through the trees, dirt paths, cliffs overlooking valleys, and rush of a waterfall have a way of waking you back up to the world. 

In Rome, I was awake. I felt the energy of the city pulse through my veins, felt adventure calling. Coming home, that tug of adventure was there but started doze off to the hum of suburban life.

Hiking woke me back up.  


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