Last Minutes of the Teen Years

So, I'm about to be 20.
No more "teen."
I blink, and two decades are gone.

I'm an adult.

Okay, well technically I became an adult at 18; however, the ever-present "teen" and the fact that I was still in high school begged to differ. With the "teen" disappearing from the picture, the whole "adult" concept is suddenly staring me in the face.
Tomorrow, I won't feel any different. That's not how it works with birthdays.
Today, sitting here typing, re-typing, and staring at the random picture of the New York bridge on the wall across from me, two decades are yearning to burst free, to spill onto this page. That would definitely get real boring for you, real fast. Let's keep it plain and simple for a hot sec.

My life has been so blessed.

Honestly, it almost brings me to tears contemplating all the names of those that have touched my life. The person I am isn't made up of my accomplishments, my grades, my work, or anything along those lines. It's the people, the conversations, the dances, the adventures, the hugs, the tears, the silences, the car rides, the hikes, the love.

Two decades are gone, but the people that filled those years won't be forgotten. Even here in Rome, I think of all of you back home. The adventures through the city are incredible, with gorgeous buildings left and right. It's not that I'm not loving it here,because believe me I am. Have you seen the pictures? The view from the Castel Sant'Angelo left me speechless. However in all the splendor, at the end of the day, I remember home.

After 20 years, even though I am nowhere in finding a career path, at least I have the best people surrounding me to see me through it.


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