
Throw yourself

It's okay to take a break, to take that 10 minute nap, or that day, or a couple. Really, it is. Because sometimes life throws your curve balls (like a hurt back). But then throw yourself back into it. Throw yourself into your own life because no one else will. It's your life. Emphasis on the YOUR. Chances are the motivation isn't there. I can't find mine more often than not these days. Without the structure of school, it's gotten harder to actually sit down at my desk, not the couch. It's gotten harder to turn off the netflix and open the 5 LB (yup..) GRE study guide. So, what then? When you've gotten your manuscript rejected, job applications turned down, even simple plans with friends cancelled. Do you even wan to follow that dream? That dream you conjured up before you graduated, that dream that you confessed to your graduating class that fateful day in December. Are you even capable? .. I answer "no" to that question sometim...

On to another adventure

Where did the time go? That's a common question getting asked these days, days like ... Graduation. Sometimes a Monday can feel like ages, a week like eternity. And then years just zip on by without a care in the world. *** I started this post at around 6:30 a.m. Now it's 3:30 p.m. and I'm graduated. Undergraduate no more. Do I feel different? How do I feel exactly? Well, the speech is done and over. There's relief there. There's a background sense of accomplishment, completing undergrad and all. Honestly, I mostly feel humbled and loved. Those that I care about took time out of their day (some, even their work day) to come and support me. Others have messaged me or will see me later tonight. I couldn't have done ANY of this without all of you. Thank you, thank you truly. This day is as much mine as it is yours.

When your contacts hurt

It's getting late. Your next day is just around the corner, quite literally a couple hours away. As you get more distracted, as you rub your tired eyes and your contacts start to ache, as you click away from filling in a study guide for the next exam, you think to yourself. The thoughts drift in and out. To far off places, to the boy a handful of miles away. To the possibilities that tomorrow holds. No, nothing spectacular is happening tomorrow. An pretty ordinary day is planned. But you have plans. Your manuscript needs to be re-written. Before that the gym. After that, an old-friend and good times. Work hard. Don't lose your focus by letting discouraging thoughts cloud your head. It's easy to let them seap in, to feel like a fake. A lazy ass, a loser. That's what you tell yourself, but those are lies. Greatness... great good that you want to do doesn't happen over night. You need to sit your butt down, stop making plans to get it done and get i...

The end

It's the end of Summer 2016. The plane leaves at 6:05 am tomorrow morning. RMBL ("rumble") really did become a home away from home thanks to all of the inspiring friends and researchers. Science brings the absolute best people together from all around the world. The memories don't stop. I'm sitting here, thinking through my summer and it's incredible, so beautifully incredible just how good it was. Instead of typing all of those up, and boring you with the tidbits and not the juicy details, I'd rather say a "thank you." Thank you to everyone at RMBL that made Summer 2016 one for the books.

Can't forget

Yesterday (okay, well last saturday because you know, field work and life delays your writing). It was one of those days that was so good, so dang good that you don't want to forget it. You aren't satisfied with "oh I'll remember because, you know, we took pictures." Nope. Nope to that. This requires some writing, some thoughts on paper (or blog post). The adventure began early on a road I bike almost every day for field work. This day wasn't for field work, though. It was my day off and I was going to hike a mountain (yep, I am crazy). I live at a field station known officially as the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (or RMBL, pronounced "rumble," for short. On my front doorstep is Gothic Mountain, a 12,631 foot beaut. Since the field station is located in the town called Gothic, I needed to hike it. All 12,631 feet of it. With friends assembled we started the climb. Conversations drifted in and out, we soaked up the nature and then, be...

A continued post

It's a sleepy, rainy day in a cloud here at RMBL. The type of day that nudges at the thoughts tucked away in the corners of your mind and prods you to write something, anything down. Breathe through your writing a little. Yet, I'm coming back to this blog post weeks later. Time escapes me when I am at a field station. It happened last summer and it's happening again. The life here, the research, the people requires my full attention. And before I know it, the summer is halfway over, I've yet to send letters to friends, and my blog post is left unfinished. That's pretty great. As absentminded and thoughtless it may come across, it means that this life, this field station life, is good. I'll be back in the real world soon. Let me just take a side step for a little while. 

It's been a week

No, it can't. A week? Already? Well, apparently if the calendar is still the trustworthy fellow he is, it's been a week. A week into this incredible summer, a summer spent on top of a mountain in Colorado. I've still so much to learn, so many people to meet. The potential of this summer is pretty dang incredible when I sit back and let it sink in. I'm pretty taken aback by this place. Do not get me wrong, I am still, very much still, adjusting. This past week has definitely tested the mettle of this college girl that's grown accustomed to city life. No running water, outhouses instead of bathrooms, pmsing weather, below freezing temps morning and night, and ever-taunting mice] Day 4 Day 1 But you know what, once you get past all that, once you realize those inconveniences are just that, inconveniences, life is more than alright. It's great. You look up, you soak in the fleeting sun, you try to etch the mountains into your memory, and the...