Can't forget
Yesterday (okay, well last saturday because you know, field work and life delays your writing). It was one of those days that was so good, so dang good that you don't want to forget it. You aren't satisfied with "oh I'll remember because, you know, we took pictures." Nope. Nope to that. This requires some writing, some thoughts on paper (or blog post). The adventure began early on a road I bike almost every day for field work. This day wasn't for field work, though. It was my day off and I was going to hike a mountain (yep, I am crazy). I live at a field station known officially as the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory (or RMBL, pronounced "rumble," for short. On my front doorstep is Gothic Mountain, a 12,631 foot beaut. Since the field station is located in the town called Gothic, I needed to hike it. All 12,631 feet of it. With friends assembled we started the climb. Conversations drifted in and out, we soaked up the nature and then, be...