A motivation pep talk to myself
It's in unmotivated times like this I'm somehow motivated to write here. When I say unmotivated, it's a lack of motivation for the immediate homework assignment, for that extra-credit paper that is due two days away. My head's buzzing, my fingers want to type, to create. I blame the warm weather, the warm summer weather that enticed me earlier to swing, to go out for an ice cream cone (the best, Uncle Wiggly's). Where I am right now, where a lot of my friends are right now, is on the cusp of choosing among different futures, different paths...it's pretty exhilarating if you let it sink in. You don't realize it every day. If you "future-thought" every day you'd be exhausted (more than usual). But every now and then it hits you. Like for me it's right now. And yes, it's scary. There are quite a few "I don't know"'s hanging about. I don't know where I'll be living after July 31st. I don't kn...