Red Hair

There are moments in life where you have to leap, take a chance. Some take a road trip to anywhere. Others get that tattoo that's been lingering at the edge of every thought. I dyed my hair. Red . It's not a life altering decision. It get the occasional, "ooOOhhh let me see you hair!! When'd you do that??" Besides that, life's been pretty normal. Billy Joel sings me awake, I find myself dressing, and I'm off for a run. OR I put Billy on hold via the magic of Snooze and I doze back into a fuzzy, warm doze. But I dyed my hair. ME. Permanently . When I look in that mirror, there I am (no, duhh). But then I start running a hairbrush through my hair and RED . The under layers of RED peek through. I'm not the same Rachael before I boarded that plane to Italy. I'm not sure if others notice, but I can tell, I can feel it in my gut . The RED reminds me of that, reminds me that I've grown . Flying across the Atlantic, living in a foreig...